Today is my nephew’s FIRST BIRTHDAY! So, I thought I should finally get around to posting the blog post of his birth…Better late than never, right?!
Davis was actually due on October 10 (one day after my birthday!) and I was really hoping for a birthday buddy…well, he decided he wanted his own birthday month (we have 4 family birthdays in October) and showed up 2.5 weeks early on September 23rd! With Covid still kind of a precaution at the hospitals in 2021, they were only allowing 2 people in the hospital/delivery room. Obviously, my brother-in-law, Mike, was one, and I was blessed to get to be the other one so that I could photograph and capture the day for them! If you recall, I was honored to get to do the same for the birth of my niece, Lucy, 5 years ago.
Just like last time, they did not find out the gender ahead of time so it was the ultimate surprise! We are a family of girls and most assumed it was a girl…but I actually guessed a boy! But did I actually believe it would be a boy?? NO. I said this before but thank God for autofocus because those intense 60 seconds or so when the baby is being born is so emotional, especially as you find out it’s a BOY! Gosh. It was so special!
Anywho, this is a long post and **WARNING** there are some brand new baby being born photos π And yes, my sister gave me full permission to post all of these.
Included below are photos of:
- Birth in the hospital
- Coming home and Lucy meeting Davis for the first time
- Newborn family photos at home
Mike purposely wore the exact same shirt as he did for the birth of Lucyπ
If you know Lindsey, you know that there must be chapstick…always chapstick haha
We were waiting on the doctor to come in and Lindsey said she felt like she was ready to push…I had to go running out in the hallway to grab a nurse because he was coming…like NOW!
In SHOCK that it is a BOY!
Because of bfgf
Because of COVID, everyone couldn’t come to meet him in person in the hospital unfortunately…so I FaceTimed everyone in the family to let them know it was a BOY and these are some of my favorite images of everyone’s reactionsπ
Just a wee little guy at 6 lbs!
We were able to sneak in Nana for a quick visitπ€«
I call him my little Smurf because he just looked like one in the blue beanie and he was so tiny!π
Just a couple days later, Davis came home and he got to meet his big sister, Lucy!
Aaaaaand transition to just a week later to taking “newborn” photos….
The end! Welcome to the world Davis Joseph Graham and happy 1st trip around the sun with this crazy family of ours! We love you so much!π