I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to share a blog post with you! This one needs a little background for you to truly understand the beauty of these images. Do you remember the Larner family? We captured this incomplete family of six this summer. Well, the much prayed for day finally arrived and the Larner’s are now a complete family of SEVEN!!! 😀 😀 😀
They wanted to celebrate by having their family captured as a whole. Also, Amanda’s sister, Mackenzie, and niece, Amelie, were in town from Switzerland (and now live in Italy!). They wanted to capture some photos of all of the grandkids on that side of the family. So, we all got together and captured some of my favorite images we’ve ever taken. Enjoy this lovely, beautiful and happy family! 🙂
From left to right: Malachi, Cecelia, Rosalie, Amelie, (front) Sebastian, Cruz and Dominic.Amelie and Mackenzie 🙂
Fair warning: this blog is going to be “The Rosalie Show” because we are so excited she is home and she is just so dang adorable!!
So many precious little feet.
This was not coached. at. all. Yes, they are really this heart-melting.
My view…
Colin’s view…I mean seriously. Could they be more precious?!
Dominic you are such a lover! Love these shots.
Mama and Rosalie love!
Rosalie – you are BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing your personality pop in these images 😀
Best friends/sister Rosalie and Cecelia & Dad and Mom of the year, Dan and Amanda?! 😉
I love the happiness that this image captures, Rosalie!
Group family photo!
Cruz, you are a stud.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again…I am not above bribery to get those adorable smiles! 😀
Amelie’s first sucker, ever. She is very thankful 😉
This photo makes me so happy because it is the COMPLETE version of this photo that we previously took.
I can’t pick a favorite from this session, but this is definitely up there 🙂 😀
Thank you Larner family for asking us to spend time with your adorable family again to capture some memories of your beautiful family! We have so much fun with your gang and we are so ecstatic that Rosalie is home with her family at last!
With love,
Mallory & Colin