This is an extra special family session that I am just giddy to share with you! Amanda is the older sister of Mackenzie and Aunt to Amelie who were recently on the blog. The Larners have 5 adorable children — Cecilia (5), Dominic (3), Malachi (3), Sebastian (3), and Rosalie (7). Rosalie is stuck in the Democratic Republic of Congo waiting to come home to her family. She has been legally adopted, but back in September 2013, the country suspended exit letters for adopted children with no end in sight. They love their daughter very much, and hope and pray she is home soon. Dominic and Malachi are twins and the younger brothers of sweet Rosalie. They were granted their exit letters just a few months ago, but Rosalie remains “STUCK”. Please sign this petition for hundreds of families waiting to be reunited with their children. Please call Democratic Republic of Congo President Kabila to End the Suspension on Adoptions! | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government. I mean — could they be any cuter?!
The Larners are missing the “S” to complete their family in sweet Rosalie…
Like mother, like daughter 🙂
Oh Malachi! Your smile and laugh are infectious! 😀
What a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL family! On the inside and out 🙂
Laughs all around 😀
I am in love with these images of Amanda and Dominic <3 <3 So incredibly sweet.
Three 3 year old boys = lots of energy to run! 🙂
These kiddos were so much fun! Sebastian was pretty much over getting his picture taken at this point, haha still such a cutie!
Thank you Larner family for asking me to capture some photos of your stunning family! I will continue to pray for Rosalie to come home to be with the rest of her family.
If you want to help bring Rosalie home to her family, here is the link again: Please call Democratic Republic of Congo President Kabila to End the Suspension on Adoptions! | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government. Every signature helps!
With love,